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Update – Final Chemo Treatment tomorrow…..maybe….

Mackenzie is scheduled for her 6th and final chemo treatment tomorrow. We had blood work done and an urinalysis to determine if she should have this 6th treatment this past Thursday.  Her white blood cell count was a little low (at 4,ooo vs. 16,000 the last chemo treatment she had) and her protein levels in her urine remain on the higher side (2+ – whatever that means).  The last urinalysis also showed higher protein levels.  So not sure what this all means, but the doctors called me today and they still want me to bring her in for her chemo treatment figuring that her wbc will be higher by tomorrow (let’s hope!)  But because of her elevated protein levels in her urine, they want to do another test to see if it’s an infection or something.  So I have to get her urine in a cup and bring it in to be tested.  They recommend that I put this “sterile” cup underneath her when she “squats”  in the morning – I have no idea how I’m going to pull this one off! And keep it refrigerated until we leave for the doctors.  Has anyone ever had to do this – catch the urine in a cup? I guess I’ll be wearing long rubber gloves to prevent any splash. This should be very interesting.  I hope she has to go for a long time. :).

I just recently made some videos which I want to post and am still trying to figure out all the editing stuff. But I have to say that you would never suspect that Mackenzie’s wbc is low – she still has a lot of energy and we did a walk the other day that was the longest walk we had done so far.   She’s been going up our hill on a regular basis now and she  recently dipped herself in the pool which I loved seeing.   I was holding off from buying the float coat until we got closer to summer (not sure how she would be doing if you know what I mean) but I think I’m going to need to make an early purchase (at least I hope I need to!)

So keeping our paws crossed that we sail through tomorrow and this is the last of this chemo once and for all!

Strike A Pose – such elegance!
Reluctantly Taking a Bath
My 2 golden puppies


14 responses to “Update – Final Chemo Treatment tomorrow…..maybe….”

  1. janeothejungle Avatar

    Alright Mack attack!! Good luck on the final showdown tomorrow!! Hopefully your whites cells come back ups quick and you are back bounding around in no time! Tell your moms to gets some vids up so I’s can see you climbing that hills! And tell your moms to hugs and kisses you from me tomorrow, I’m sure you’re going to do great!

    Luvs, Rosie

  2. Tehya's Mom Avatar
    Tehya's Mom

    Oh Mackenzie, I hope your Dad is home so he can get a picture o your Mom with her long gloves and cup trying to catch a sample in the morning! Thanks for making me laugh out loud tonight.
    I hope all goes well for you tomorrow and you get to have your final treatment!
    Kami I will be anxiously awaiting an email to make sure all is ok!

    Sending you a big hug Mackenzie!

  3. majorbubbatank Avatar

    Try fashioning a long handle from a bent wire hanger to hold the cup. Dusty refuses to piddle when I creep up behind/under her but I have to do these collections pretty frequently due to chronic renal insufficiency. You also might want to practice a bit with a stand in cup to get comfortable with maintaining an upright angle. Happy catching!

    Rachel (Mother of Major, Dusty, and Balou)

  4. Sophie's mom (Tana) Avatar
    Sophie’s mom (Tana)

    OMD – I had to laugh out loud, too ! Thanks for that ! Best of luck with the collecting – the bent hanger idea sounds good – I can imagine Sophie with me trying to sneak up behind her and do a collection ! I would be chasing her all over the back yard ! She would think (ok – know) 🙂 I had completely lost my mind.

    Love the pictures, Kami.

    Best of luck tomorrow, Mackenzie ! I hope everything goes well.


  5. Kami (Mackenzie's Mom) Avatar

    Well my first attempt was unsuccessful….it didn’t help that it was pitch dark out and the wind was blowing strongly. I did take your advice Rachel about using the hanger- thank you for this great tip! Put my rubber gloves on and had a flashlight in my hand but I think I was a little too slow trying to figure out where to place the cup and Mackenzie was done before you know it :(. I guess I’m going to have to try this again in a bit. Maybe use a bigger container. Luckily my husband is out of town to witness this but my neighbors probably got a good laugh. I’m laughing now too….thanks for all of your well wishes on the “collection”.

  6. Carmen (Catie's Mom) Avatar
    Carmen (Catie’s Mom)

    Good luck today, Mackenzie! Hope all goes well!!

    We had to “catch” some of Catie’s urine once when she had a bladder infection.

    Trust me. It was not pretty. And, novices that we were, we did stalk her around the backyard. Everytime she squatted my husband and I hovered with our plastic container. Confused, she’d look for another site with suspicious backward glances as we followed her. We out-stalked her and she finally actually peed. Human dance of joy.

    I suggest using the biggest container you can find (as long as it’s smaller than a child’s wading pool).

  7. Peyton's Path Avatar

    Our paws are crossed for you Mackenzie! We hope for that last round of yucky chemo and then you can be done with it!

    Good luck in catching urine yuck! I think I would laugh if my Mom or Dad had to try and do that with me 🙂 ! I might even try to pee on them for the fun of it!

    Cool pictures! Glad to hear everything is going well and Mackenzie is feeling good!

    Keep climbing that hill (sounds like Mom is a little less nervous about the hill?) and make us proud Mackenzie!


  8. RuthieGirl Avatar

    Let us know how she does…are you nervous about having a final chemo? Is it like saying “well that’s it, all we can do”? Tail Wags, Pat

  9. Mackenzie's Mom Avatar
    Mackenzie's Mom

    Thanks for all of your messages!! Some funny ones too!! Well, after 3 attempts I finally got the collection – yea! Then when I took Mackenzie to the vet, the doctor wanted to get a sterile sample instead because sometimes if you get a urine sample when they go normally, it might have more protein in it than it really does. Go figure! So they took her in the back and got a sterile sample through her bladder. So all that work and one less plastic food storage container and hanger for nothing. But I must say that I’m a much more experienced urine collector now 🙂

    The doctor decided to hold off on the chemo today. She wants to do a protein creatnine ratio test (sp?) since Mackenzie’s protein levels in her urine are elevated. Not as high as her last visit but still elevated. I guess the carboplatin is hard on the kidneys so before she does any more , she wants to make sure that there’s not another underlying problem going on with the kidneys. It’s all very confusing to me. So next step is to wait for the test results and then decide if we should do the 6th treatment next week or just stop it at 5. Or maybe even consider another type of chemo. I found it interesting because her doctor said that 5 treatments are definitely better than 4 but that 6 treatments may not be better than 5 – they just don’t know.

    So I’m actually relieved that she didn’t have to go through this today. Now I don’t have to worry about going to the grocery store and getting all these different foods, cooking and experimenting not to mention all the worry I have when she’s not feeling good and the best part is that I get to enjoy her high level of energy that she’s showing these days. We should be getting her test results back in a couple of days. Will keep you posted.

  10. Carmen (Catie's Mom) Avatar
    Carmen (Catie’s Mom)

    Well. Absolutely YAY for no chemo today; BOO to all the confusion and having to wait for more tests and the wasted plastic container and hanger.

    Keeping all our fingers and paws crossed for you, Mackenzie.

    Lovely pictures of your babies, Kami. Catie does the exact elegant pose – LOL.

  11. anyemery Avatar

    Wow – Mackenzie you are doing awesome! You’re either done or close to it with chemo! My mom is jealous. 🙂

    I’ve had to collect Holly’s urine several times – her breed is susceptible to a protein wasting disease and the breeder requested we have her tested every year. I imagine our neighbors always got a chuckle when I had to get some… chasing her around with a tupperwear lid and trying to sneak it between her legs without her getting up and stomping off! The wire hanger is a brilliant idea!

    We hope your pawsome energy continues to amaze us for a long time, Mackenzie! We will keep fingers and paws crossed that the urine tests come back good!
    lots of hugs,
    Holly and Holly’s mom

  12. RuthieGirl Avatar

    Ruthie had urine taken last Saturday because she wasn’t feeling well. They did it, they said by ultrasound…does that make sense? Anyway, glad I didn’t have to do it. Ruthie just decides she really doesn’t need to pee after all as I chase her around with something I hope is sterile. I hate waiting for those results…Good Luck Mackenzie!
    Tail Wags,
    Ruthie & me.

  13. Opie Avatar

    Bwaaaahahahahahahah. My mom had to collect my pee once too. It is sooooo funny. Especially at 20 below. heh heh heh. Anyway, my mom just jumps right in there. She used to be squeamish about things like that when she was real young, but now….Sheesh…it’s embarasing. Anyway, I have my paws crossed for all good news. Opie

  14. cometdog Avatar

    Oh the things you humans do!

    Just because you go in a big bowl doesn’t mean you have to make us! Which reminds me, just because you take baths in a tub, why do we have to? We are always going to be clean to the naked eye! And as far as the smelling part, are noses are stronger than yours and if it aint bothering us, why should it bother you!

    Sorry Mackenzi you had to go through that photo shoot in the tub. Next time, you get the camera out when mom is in it and post pics! See if she likes it!


    -Chuckling Comet

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