We are celebrating a huge ampuversary this weekend – 1 YEAR!!! I can’t believe it and can’t begin to tell you how emotional it’s been for us looking back (yes, my tears keep flowing) – where we started and how far we’ve come. Honestly, I never thought I’d see this day. But we have and I feel so blessed to have my girl with me still.
It was on Nov 6, 2009 that her leg was amputated. I was a complete wreck and even 2nd guessed this decision while she was in surgery. But when she hopped out to me the next morning I just broke down into tears. I couldn’t believe my eyes – my sweet baby was alive, a walking miracle. I didn’t care how she looked, what her incision looked like, all I cared about was that she was here with me and we were going to survive this together. These were tears of joy now, no longer tears of sadness. I couldn’t believe how quickly she adjusted too. When I think back to that time, it brings tears to my eyes now because of of the emotional stress and trauma we went through only to have it be the best decision we could have ever made.
I think Mackenzie knows it’s a special weekend for us because she’s been full of so much energy. I can’t get her to stop running in the house, rough housing with her brother, bolting across the street when she knows she’s not allowed to do that, barking and talking at me (and of course, let’s throw in the not listening to me) and begging for treats and food like there’s no tomorrow. She continues to do great every day and every day I count my blessings.
So here’s a special video I made to celebrate this wonderful time. I am truly happy and grateful for the time that I have had with Mackenzie and continue to have with her. I’m not ready to let her go and I think she knows that……
To my beautiful golden Mackenzie of Malibu……