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Author: Mackenzie’s Mom

  • Update – Final Chemo Treatment tomorrow…..maybe….

    Mackenzie is scheduled for her 6th and final chemo treatment tomorrow. We had blood work done and an urinalysis to determine if she should have this 6th treatment this past Thursday.  Her white blood cell count was a little low (at 4,ooo vs. 16,000 the last chemo treatment she had) and her protein levels in her urine remain on the higher side (2+ – whatever that means).  The last urinalysis also showed higher protein levels.  So not sure what this all means, but the doctors called me today and they still want me to bring her in for her chemo treatment figuring that her wbc will be higher by tomorrow (let’s hope!)  But because of her elevated protein levels in her urine, they want to do another test to see if it’s an infection or something.  So I have to get her urine in a cup and bring it in to be tested.  They recommend that I put this “sterile” cup underneath her when she “squats”  in the morning – I have no idea how I’m going to pull this one off! And keep it refrigerated until we leave for the doctors.  Has anyone ever had to do this – catch the urine in a cup? I guess I’ll be wearing long rubber gloves to prevent any splash. This should be very interesting.  I hope she has to go for a long time. :).

    I just recently made some videos which I want to post and am still trying to figure out all the editing stuff. But I have to say that you would never suspect that Mackenzie’s wbc is low – she still has a lot of energy and we did a walk the other day that was the longest walk we had done so far.   She’s been going up our hill on a regular basis now and she  recently dipped herself in the pool which I loved seeing.   I was holding off from buying the float coat until we got closer to summer (not sure how she would be doing if you know what I mean) but I think I’m going to need to make an early purchase (at least I hope I need to!)

    So keeping our paws crossed that we sail through tomorrow and this is the last of this chemo once and for all!

    Strike A Pose – such elegance!
    Reluctantly Taking a Bath
    My 2 golden puppies

  • 4 Month Ampuversary!! And a Birthday Celebration too.

    We are celebrating Mackenzie’s 4 month ampuversary this weekend!!   I just can’t believe how the time has flown by.  It seems like just in this last week alone, her energy level has increased tenfold.  She really is the puppy dog she was a year ago.  Just the other day, she climbed the very steep hill we have in our backyard again (this time I was home but not keeping my eye on her.)  When I saw her I called for her and she looked at me in her usual fashion and then kept right on running across the wall and up the hill to the top.   So of course I ran to get my camera – have to show her athletic side off!  She’s been barking away at the coyotes, she’s now chasing her brother across the yard like they used to do and she’s even running up the stairs, yes literally running.  She’s talking to me more than ever  and of course, always begging for those treats every chance she gets.   We will also be celebrating her 8th birthday on March 20th – I didn’t know if I’d ever see this day when she was first diagnosed back in Sept.  but we will and I am forever grateful to have my puppy dog back!
    It's a Mackenzie Sighting!


    There she goes!
    Hoppin along the wall
    Climbing Higher and Higher
    See Mom I told you I could do it!
    My 2 Little Treat Monsters
    Back at it again! Forever rough housing…
    Tug o' war at its best
  • The Last Chemo Treatment Today – Maybe??

    First of all, it’s great to be home.  Just got back from a 10 day trip to NY and Boston (we’re from LA).  Was greeted at the door by Mackenzie and Kobe with such love and happiness to see me, jumping, hopping and just acting crazy like two little puppies.  I missed them so much!  While in NY, a friend surprised me by taking me to the Westminster Dog Show – something I’ve always wanted to see.  Ok these dogs at the show were just beautiful and magnificent and  it was a great experience overall.  But I gained even more of an appreciation for all of our tripawd heroes out there who are just as beautiful and magnificent in my eyes. I’m so proud of our tripawd heroes….

    This is how I know Mackenzie is doing so well when I was gone – my husband let Mackenzie and Kobe out and called them back in but they didn’t come.  When he went outside to see where these two were, he found them at the very top of our hill in the backyard which is extremely steep ( 1/2 + acre steep I might add – I had posted some pictures previously of this hill.)  Mackenzie hopped her way to the top and was up there playing with Kobe like she used to do before her diagnosis.  She then hopped her way back down.  I was so taken by surprise as this was her first attempt to do this all on her own on this steep hill.   Huge accomplishment! Have to wonder if it’s because Mom wasn’t around to monitor???

    So today I took Mackenzie in for her 5th and what I thought to be her final chemo treatment – yea?? I’m very  nervous because she’s doing so well right now.  Then the discussion came up today with the doctor about doing a 6th treatment (I thought all along that we would just go with 5).  Our doctor basically said that if Mackenzie can handle a 6th treatment  than we should do it.  But I have to ask, how will we know if  she can handle it??  To be further discussed and evaluated.

    Overall, I’m so happy to be home with my tripawd and her little brother. She will be going on her 3 month and 3 week ampuverary this week!  Wow – that’s almost 4 months!!  Big celebration coming up and I know Kobe is celebrating early cause now he has his sister back in full force for sure…..will be sending some new pictures soon.

  • Life is good…

    I’m still happy to report that Mackenzie continues to do very well.   I read a lot of the other blogs and my heart goes out to all of those  tripawd heroes who may not be doing as well.  I am grateful that the worst crisis I have right now is getting ready for a 10 day trip (NY and Boston) and leaving Mackenzie and Kobe behind (and of course did I mention my husband too?)  I traveled recently for 5 days which was a good test for me.  Didn’t really worry too much except for when my husband called to tell me that Kobe (our little Golden monster boy) chewed up the carpeting on our landing of our staircase into shreds (I justify this by telling myself that he must have missed his mom.)  Other than that, everything remained pretty uneventful.  One night, my husband decided to take Mackenzie and Kobe to a neighbor’s house to play with their dog.  My husband has a big truck (yes, a Toyota)  but that didn’t stop Mackenzie from jumping in right away – she did it all on her own, into the back seat, without even a Ruff harness on (of course my husband doesn’t know how to put it on her yet :))  We were so proud of her that she could accomplish this huge jump.   I keep saying it’s those little things that you grow to appreciate so much after all that we’ve been through.
    We go on our walks almost every day and we’re making great progress on how far we’re going now.  Every walk she seems to go faster and farther without resting as much in between.  So  what used to take us 30 minutes is now taking us 15 – 20 minutes.   She has her last chemo treatment (#5) when I get back and then we’re finally done with it all.  Yea!!  So overall,  life has been pretty uneventful these days and I am very thankful for that!
    M. in the rain
    Hoppin down the stairs so stealth-like
    Kobe standing on M's head. He loves to do this every chance he gets. (Pic taken pre-amp but represents post-amp too.)
    On the landing that her brother chewed up later on

  • Great News to Report!

    I have some great news to report – Mackenzie had her 3 month chest X-rays today and they are clean – no detected cancer yet! Yea!!  So we did her 4th chemo treatment today and she seems to be doing great.  Still has a great appetite, still likes to beg for those treats and is rough housing as we speak with her little brother.  We’ve nicknamed her Treat Monster ever since she was a puppy.  Today was weighing heavily on me and I tried to be very positive but at moments, before hearing the results, I was a nervous wreck.  Then it was so strange – this calmness came over me and I thought “she’s going to be ok.”  Within 5 seconds of having that thought, the doctor came in with the good news.  So now we are going on her 12th week ampuversary and life is good!

  • An Update

    Just a quick update -Mackenzie continues to do well (thank our lucky paws!)  She will be doing her 4th chemo treatment  this coming Tues and will also be due for her 3 month chest x-ray.  I’m feeling very anxious about Tues.  I realize that no matter how good things can be, there’s always those random thoughts that flash in the back of my mind about what if …..For every chemo treatment Mackenzie’s had,  I go through this anxiety until she gets back to normal.  This last go around, she is completely back to normal.  But then on Tues, we’ll go through this roller coaster ride again and for the next few days she won’t be feeling so great again. It’s very stressful and I try to do whatever I can to make her feel as comfortable as possible.  The great news is that today, she climbed a very steep hill on the side of our yard by herself without us being there.  I freaked of course and called my husband to get her down. Then when he did call her, she continued to climb the hill! She had so much energy – it was just wonderful to see.  Yesterday, we went for our usual walk up my street which also has a hill and she hopped so fast and so far – within 5 minutes we were at the top – the normal pace has been 15 minutes.  She’s barking at me now more than ever – tells me to stop feeling  sad about her cause she’s doing so well. She’s a constant reminder of how life should be – living every moment to its fullest. So she’s definitely making  great progress and we are so thankful.  But there’s always that worry in the back of my mind…..Here’s one of my favorite pictures of her when she was younger – that big beautiful smiling face! Which will forever be imbedded in my mind.

    Big Beautiful Smiling Mackenzie

  • Mackenzie- Jan 10

    We are not going to count the days anymore since Mackenzie’s surgery (taking the advice from Opie) 🙂  Mackenzie had her 3rd chemo treatment last Tues. The doctor decided to increase her dose by just a little bit. The first 3 – 4 days were not so great because she didn’t really feel like eating that much except for her little bisquit treats (which she would gobble up in seconds) and her energy level was lower than normal.  But by Saturday she got her 2nd wind and boy was she as energetic as I’ve ever seen her and continues to be.  She’s now back to playing really rough with her brother Kobe.  Sunday was a great day – we took her up to the top of our hill in the backyard (pretty steep and long) and she did great! We sat at the top and looked at the view of the canyon and valley. This was always a favorite place for her to go.  Her Dad had to help her a little bit (in her fashionable ruff wear) and she was Queen of the hill.  I’m happy to report that she’s eating normally now and can’t wait for her next meal,  barks at me to give her more treats and begs like there’s no tomorrow.  All good things in the life of a tripawd!  

    Queen of the Hill
    Queen of the Hill
    A big smile!
    A big smile!
  • Mackenzie Jan 10

    Made it to the top!
    Made it to the top!
    On her way down
    On her way down
    Kobe so curious
    Kobe so curious
    We made it Dad!
    Mackenzie & Dad
  • Mackenzie – 7 Week Ampuversary

    It’s been a little while since I last wrote and have been meaning to – it’s been pretty busy getting ready for the holidays and family visiting.  Wanted to report that Mackenzie is celebrating her 7th week ampuversary and had her 2nd chemo treatment last week.  She is passing with flying colors! Her 2nd chemo treatment has been a lot easier on her.  I think it may be because the doctor gave her a lesser dosage this time, which didn’t make her lose her appetite or be lethargic like the first time.   She has been very perky with a lot of energy and very responsive since, which I’m so happy about.  I ordered her a Ruff Harness and we go out everyday for our little walk.  Each day gets better and she’s able to go farther.   Today, she was a true athlete – hopping up our street and making it to the top of our hill in no time.  She seemed to be enjoying it so much and kept right up with her brother.  When I put the harness on her, she looks at me “like why do I need to wear this mom?” I have her wear it more for the fact that she looks so chic and fashionable in it, especially in red.   I just hope I’m putting it on correctly :).  We hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas!

    Here she is in her new ruff harness having fun hopping along.
    Here she is in her new ruff harness having fun hopping along.
  • Getting ready to go!
    Getting ready to go!
    Almost at the top of the hill!
    Almost at the top of the hill!
    Rough housing with Kobe
    Rough housing with Kobe
Mackenzie – so beautiful is brought to you by Tripawds.