First of all, I finally figured out how to do a video and voila! Here it is ….it’s a little rough (and maybe a tad hokey) but just wanted to share my first video called Born to Run…(you’ll hear why when you see it :))
As previously mentioned, we decided with our oncologist not to do Mackenzie’s 6th and final chemo treatment. 5 will be the final – yea!! I’m relieved and happy about this decision. Maybe by the fact that she had this UTI and it needed to be cleared up before proceeding was the blessing in disguise. This delay was our answer to the gnawing question of whether we should do 6 or not. Boy, was I on the fence about that one.
So our next step is to do another urine culture to make sure that her UTI has cleared up and then look into the metronomic treatment (low dosage chemo) as a follow up maintenance plan (I hope I phrased that correctly – sounds like a car tune-up or something.) I still don’t know enough about this and I know that other tripawds have done this, so will be planning on asking questions to our tripawds pawrents out there and doing some research as well.
So one final note…..Tripawds Were Born To Run – YES! (ok I need to enlist the help of Cometdog’s songwriting skills with the uh uh uh oh oh oh….part :))
And btw thanks to Cometdog, Jerry and Angel Jake’s Mom for making this video and many more to come happen! How does that saying go…a little bit of video is a powerful thing (oh no, I meant dangerous thing!)
17 responses to “Born to Run and no more chemo – Yea!”
Mackenzie, you look great!! Keep on runnin’! Kobe, slow down!! You almost gave me a heart attack coming down that hill!
My Mom had tears of joy watching your video Mackenzie! It made her so happy to see you running on your hill! You look fantastic! Thanks for sharing! Don’t knock Mackenzie over Kobe! She will kick your butt if you do! She is one tough cookie!
Hooray for the last of the chemo treatments!!!!
Dillon and Rhys
Way to go Mac attack!!! You were definitely born to run and you look great doin it with that big plume of a tail wagging away!! Keep on running big girl!!!
Luvs, Rosie
Hey Mackenzie!
Woohoo! Look at you! I thought your video was super-duper-wuper professional! It showed your very tricky mountain climbing skills! Springsteen would be proud.
Tell Kobe to get out of your camera shot next time! We almost had a KA-BOOM! right on camera!
When Nancy Sinatra and I used to pal around, we wrote this little tune. It’s close to your Tripawds are Born to Run:
“These paws are made for walkin’, and that’s just what they’ll do…
one of these days these paws are gonna walk all over you…..
Are ya ready paws……start walking’!”
P.S. Mackenzie, are you familiar with the A.M.B.F? (Anti-Monkeybutt Force) Between your daring mountain climbing abilities and your song writing skills, you may want to think seriously about joining our very high skilled team. I am always looking for recruits. It’s a dangerous mission.
Your mission, should you decide to accept it, is to help me rid myself of a Monkeybutt (sometimes referred to as Rocket, the ugly monkeybutt terrier thing we have living in our house).
…As always, should you or any of our AMB Force be caught or killed, the Secretary will disavow any knowledge of your actions.
Oh boy Mackenzie you got me all choked up again! You are doing amazing!!! I loved the tail wag when you were coming down the hill. I am so glad to hear that you no longer to have that awful chemo as well…now there is no looking back you can just continue to get stronger and stronger!
Kami, you did such a good job on the video now we will want to see many more!
Thanks for sharing!
Kami – that was great !! Thanks so much for posting the video. Kobe and Mackenzie are beautiful, beautiful dogs. And Mackenzie – you are amazing. Look at you climbing hills – and running downhill ! Very inspiring. The tail speaks volumes … that Golden flag waving … always makes me smile.
Keep running, Mackenzie !
Tana and Sophie
Mackenzie is indeed, beautiful. And Kobe too! Yeah!!!!
You are so right; a video is a powerful thing. If we hadn’t seen a video of Moose, a three legged Great Dane, back in 2006, Tripawds would probably not be here.
And as for cancer, yes, that’s the weird thing about it. Cancer has many blessings in disguise. If you open your heart up to experiencing them, it’s a little less ruff to go through.
Hugs to all of you…
Stunning goldens, really, Kami.
Mackenzie seems to be doing great.
And as far as the no-more-chemo, that is worth rejoicing over too. Nothing more to slow her down. She’ll be knocking Kobe over in no time (he’s a big boy too like our Riley!).
They are lovely.
Girlfriend, I thought you said you had a hill in your back yard!
That ain’t no hill, that’s a mountain! and You own that mountain! and the smile you had on your face was so beautiful!
Tell Kobe he’s not to try to upstage you in your newly released movie. Tell him if he’s nice he can have a small walk on in the next feature.
I now know the only thing better than a golden, is 2 of them.
What a beautiful family.
Shelby, the P.P.
I couldn’t get the video to play. But I will. I’m sure you are happy to see Mackenzie running again.
We only did 5 chemo’s too. Our Oncologist said the standard was 4 treatments and that they went to a meeting that relayed to our Oncologist that they could administer 6. But she told us we could do 5 or 6 treatments. We did 5. I wanted to do 6 too but just didn’t want to put her thru anymore. So we compromised with 5. I hope it was enough.
So far so good. I didn’t know you could do this metronomic therapy in addition to chemo. My oncologist never mentioned it. I’ll have to ask too. I thought it was either or.
So many are talking about metronomic therapy this week. Thanks for mentioning it.
Best Wishes
Rosie & Rosie’s Mom-Sandy
Thank you everyone for all of your kind words of support and messages. It’s just great, as always, and it really means so much to me and my goldens!
Hey Cometdog – I just heard that song the other day. How funny is that….but I do like your words much better :). And yes, Mackenzie is familiar with the A.M.B.F. She’s read a lot about it on some other blogs and wanted me to tell you that she’s flattered that you would invite her to join your forces. Sounds like a really good cause except for the part about disavowing any knowledge of her actions if she gets caught or killed? hummm……double hummmmm…….but despite your A.M.B.F. contract, you still make us laugh. Thanks Cometdog!
Hi Rosie’s mom,
When we were making the decision about whether to do the 6th treatment, before Mackenzie had her UTI, my oncologist did say that 5 treatments are definitely better than 4 but it’s not quite clear yet if 6 treatments are really better than 5. So that statement (and hopefully I’m not misquoting it) gave me more comfort in my decision to keep it at 5. Yes, the metronomic looks like a good option. There are some good links to read on this website that Jerry posted. So hopefully we’ll be on track with all of this. Hope Rosie is still doing well. I loved her stroller pics! Kami
Hey Miss Mack,
Monkeybutt is no laughing matter! Giggle all you want but he is a menace to the tripawd society! He’ll gouge your eyeballs out with those monkey arms! (the monkey butt is just ugly, but the monkey arms are dangerous!)
Now that you have finished all of your prior obligations (stupid chemo always seems to distract my members – I hate it!)…I was saying, since you have time – I have a special mission for you…I need a Recruiter for the A.M.B.Force.
I’ve been under cover on the Forums as a Mod Pawd Squad member and I need some eyes and ears on the blogs for new recruits. We need as many recruits as pawsible!
Your mission, should you decide to accept it….is to recruit new members. (Remember: musical skills are a bonus since that is our coverup!)
…As always, should you or any of our AMB Force be caught or killed, the Secretary will disavow any knowledge of your actions.
Covert Comet – OUT
Dear Covert Comet of the A.M.B.F. Force:
Miss Mack here. Ok, I get it – that’s my mom laughing, not me. I take these assignments very seriously, afterall, I’m just a loveable, huggable golden with a lot of people personality. Plus I live in LA with a lot of celebrity influence if you know what I mean. So I know I would fit the bill and being the people pleaser that I am, would do a good job and make a great cover …just let me know at any time what you need me to do – I’m there. I’m even willing to sacrifice some treats for the mission….
Yours truly,
Miss Mack the Night….
Hey, Makenzie! My mom was on vacation and hasn’t yet caught up with all the posts while she was gone. We LOVED your video! (she still hasn’t been able to figure out how to make one, let alone post one). You are totally awesome on your mountain! My mom grew up with a golden they sometimes called Mountain Dog Chris since she loved hiking up mountains, and my mom said you looked so much like Chrissy in your video – so thanks for sharing!
And that’s totally awesome that you’re done with chemo! I can’t wait to be done with mine. I think if we end up doing metronomic therapy they may need to hide the pills in treats… which means more treats for us. So I think we need to encourage our moms to strongly consider that for us. 🙂
Ok – now to our covert mission, ABMF. Maybe you and I can be the backup singers/jumpers for Comet? I think our hair color is very complimentary, which is probably something the band would like! That would be a great cover for us! We just could use a few more backup singers/jumpers to help us out. I used to get treats everytime I jumped – so I think we can play on that, too. And I think Comet’s song (with all due respect to Nancy Sinatra) would be great on our first album – I’m thinking of a picture with all of our paws in it (including Opie’s frito feet). Whadya think?
Hi Jolly Holly! Thanks for writing. Must be nice to have your pawrents back! I bet you got a lot of treats out of that deal :).
I think we would make great backup singers for Cometdog (even if she thinks I’m Slack the Night – ha! I’ll show that Covert Cometdog!) My bark carries a pretty good tune & I bet your bark does too! And between both of us with your jumping ability (I’m not such a good jumper I have to admit but I am a good hopper!) and my hopping ability I think we could pull it off for sure!
Picture of all of our paws sounds like a pawesome idea even if it does include Opie’s frito feet and singing to Comet’s song – whoaaa double pawesome!
Lots of golden hugs,
Miss Mack the Night
P.S. I really liked hearing about Chrissy – my mom did too! Sounds like she was a pawesome Golden!
Mackenzie, you are absolutely beautiful — and getting around so good. Who needs four legs, anyway? I am so glad you are done with your chemo. That is awesome. I’m getting my first chemo treatment next week, and I’m a little scared, but seeing you and Kobe running and being so happy makes me feel better. Your pawrents must be really proud.