Well, we’ve been very blessed once again. Mackenzie had her 2 month chest X-ray and I have great news to report! Her lung mets have stabalized – no changes – no increases in size and no new mets found either since her last check-up. Plus her blood work came back all normal. We are sooo happy. So now it’s been 5 months since her lung mets have been discovered and we’re celebrating big time!
We recently went to an oceanside place in San Simeon CA where we took the dogs and stayed at a pet friendly place right on the water. Mackenzie absolutely loved it and got to swim for the first time in the ocean since her amputation. She did so great and I couldn’t get over how energetic she was – so stimulated by the ocean. It was incredible. So here is a special video I made of my Ocean Girl enjoying her favorite place! (and a couple of pictures too.)
10 responses to “Mackenzie’s great check-up + Special Video of the Ocean Girl”
Oh! That was so beautiful and full of joy it made me cry. What a way to celebrate such happy news. Thank you, Kami, for sharing your Ocean Girl.
Simply beautiful.
I loved that video! What incredible joy! You can feel how happy she is – just rollicking in the waves! And what a fitting tribute to such great news. Keep on fighting Mackenzie – we’re all right here behind you!!
Big, big hugs from your friends,
Holly, Zuzu and Susan
What an amazing video, we smiled and giggled all the way through. A beautiful dog, a wonderful beach and a sunny day!
Thanks for sharing!
From your friend, Shelby the P.P.
Harumph! I want to play in ocean waves. I never saw the ocean. Hmmmmm, I don’t even remember ever seeing water that wasn’t stiff enough to walk on. AArrrrrgggghhhhh! I live in a freezer. Will it ever be warm?
Oh that video was pawesome!!!!! Go Mackenzie! 🙂 Congrats on the good news girl! What a great way to celebrate!
Tracy & Maggie
Such pure, real happiness…so evident in your video. I love videos of Mackenzie (Lincoln too) because they are the quintessential SCHWIMMERS! So funny how much goldens love to schwimm. I can’t help, but smile when I watch this video. Mackenzie is the bomb!
Spirit Opie’s mom
that was great!!! what a joyous girl – she is definitely squeezing every bit of wonder and happiness from ever moment!! mackenzie, you rock!!!
charon & gayle
That was just beautiful Kami. Your videos always make me feel so happy. I love Mackenzie (Kobe too) and can’t express enough how thrilled I’m for her super duper check-up! Keep it up sweet girl.
Hope you guys had a wonderful Thanksgiving.
Fortis’Dad and family
Miss Mack, you are simply inspawrational! And let’s not forget Kobe, either. He is just plain old fun! I love how he is still afraid of even the waves going to shore. Congratulations, Pretty Pants on your great medical report.
Oh Mackenzie…you look so fantastic and healthy!! It cracks me up that while you are running and frolicking in the ocean, Kobe is running away. You are amazing!!
Fantastic video too!!