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Mackenzie’s 8th birthday and some other good news

Yesterday was Mackenzie’s 8th birthday!!!  As I’ve mentioned before, when she was first diagnosed in September I wasn’t sure if I’d ever see this day.  But now it has come and gone and I’m truly happy for that.  I tried to take some pictures with her birthday hat on but wasn’t very successful cause her little brother kept pulling it off her head and playing with it like a toy.  So it’s now a soggy slobbery birthday hat that she really doesn’t like to wear anyway.  I did capture one moment …but I could tell Mackenzie just really wasn’t into this party thing. So for all you tripawds out there, Mackenzie’s birthday gives you a great reason to ask for more treats! Yea!!

My Birthday Girl!

I also got some other good news on Mackenzie.  Her protein levels in her urine had been elevated and the doctor was concerned so didn’t want to do her last chemo treatment as a result.  After several tests later, and finally doing a culture, it turns out that Mackenzie has a Urinary Tract Infection which was causing this.  So now she’s on some heavy duty antibiotics.  I now need to talk to the doctor to see if she recommends doing this last chemo treatment afterall.   Mackenzie’s been feeling so good and doing so well these days that I hate to interfere with her progress.  But maybe this last one will do the trick or some trick of sorts.  Such dilemmas we tripawd pawrents face.  Will think about all of this tomorrow.  Until then I’m just going to enjoy being with my puppies and celebrating a very special birthday this weekend.

P.S. I will be uploading some videos as soon as I’ve figure out how to do this since these files are so large 🙁


13 responses to “Mackenzie’s 8th birthday and some other good news”

  1. jerry Avatar

    That’s my philosophy…think about the complicated stuff later on, and celebrate the good times today! Hoppy Birthday Mackenzie! May there be many, many more.

    We can’t wait to see your videos! Here are some video tips in our WordPress MU Blog</a.

    Note, you don't actually upload video here. Look for the section called "Video embedding made simple" in this post. Hope it makes sense, let us know if we can help OK?

  2. Mackenzie's Mom Avatar

    Thanks Jerry! And thanks for sending me this info on the videos. I will try this and see what happens. And with any luck, I’ll have this videos uploaded very soon.

  3. majorbubbatank Avatar

    Happy Birthday Mackenzie! Way to ba a sport about the birthday hat. We all know the truth, though. You asked your brother to chew it up.


  4. Peyton's Path Avatar

    Happy Birthday Sweet Mackenzie! Love the hat and I wish I was in your brother’s paws because I would totally chew that hat up! Mom dressed Peyton and I up in antlers for Christmas and it took everything I had not to destroy those things! Things our pawrents make us do and to top it off they take pictures! Our humans are CRAZY!!! Guess we get extra treats if we follow their silly rules! Speaking of treats it is time to go get some extra treats to celebrate Mackenzie!!!

    Dillon and Rhys

  5. Carmen (Catie's Mom) Avatar
    Carmen (Catie’s Mom)

    Happy, happy birthday, Mackenzie!! Love the birthday hat!

  6. jack crowder Avatar
    jack crowder

    Happy Birthday to a beautiful girl!!!

    We golden girls age so gracefully, you don’t look a day over 6!!

    Love the hat, silly mom’s make us wear those kinds of things. Keep it on for a couple of minutes, let them take a couple of pictures and the treats will flow.

    Make sure you take care of your little brother for trying to eat your hat!

    Happy Birthday and I hope you have a ton more!

    Your friend, Shelby, the P.P.

  7. maximutt Avatar

    Happy Birthday Mackenzie!! 8 is GREAT!!!!!!

  8. Tehya's Mom Avatar
    Tehya's Mom

    Mackenzie I am so sorry that I missed your big day! Happy Belated 8th birthday to you! I love the look on your face with your hat, your Mom is right I don’t think you were all that impressed but my gosh it was a beautiful hat.

    I know that you got spoiled with treats and lots of extra loving on your special day and boy do you deserve it you are doing amazing!!!

    Sending you a big hug from across the border!

  9. maggie Avatar

    Happy 8th birthday Mackenzie!!! I know, I know…the things we have to do to keep our pawrents happy…wearing a silly hat like that! 😉 But it was cute just the same!


  10. Sophie's mom (Tana) Avatar
    Sophie’s mom (Tana)


    We wish you many, many more happy days – and celebrate every day! it’s always a good day to wear a hat. Purple hats are especially lovely on wise golden girls.

    Sorry we missed the actual day – but Sophie is getting an extra treat to celebrate, too ! (She says – thanks !)

    Tana and Sophie

  11. cometdog Avatar

    I guess I have to be all sweet and mushy since everyone else is…

    So, Happy Belated Birthday! (Cupcake Head!)
    BWAHAHAHA – sorry, I couldn’t resist throwing in a zinger!

    I know your 1 year older but look on the bright side – at least you don’t have Shelby’s nickname! Mackenzie the PeePee! Bwahahahaha

    Zinger #2!

    Comedienne Comet

  12. Pat (Ruthie's Mom) Avatar
    Pat (Ruthie’s Mom)

    I’m sorry I missed Mackenzie’s big birthday! Happy belated birthday Mackenzie! Keep us informed on the chemo situation. Ruthie had blood work today and is scheduled for chemo tomorrow. The big antibiotics for her UTI are doing wonders for her happiness and hope Mackenzie is doing the same! The big 8 huh? What a lucky girl. Ruthie and me.

  13. Mackenzie's Mom Avatar

    Thanks everyone for all the great is 8 birthday wishes! It means so much to us!!

    We decided with our oncologist to not do her 6th and final chemo treatment (yea!) Keep it at 5. As she said before, 5 is better than 4 but they’re not quite sure if 6 is really better than 5 (hopefully I’m not misquoting anything here.) I’m happy with this decision. So we are going to wait until next week, after her infection clears up, and then look into doing the metronomic treatment. I know there are many on this website who have done this treatment (our hero Jerry for one!) and I’m sure I will be seeking advice on this shortly. So I feel good about all of this and Mackenzie, as we speak, is barking up a storm cause she knows I’m intensely typing away…..
    P.S. Ruthie – good luck tomorrow!
    P.S.S. Mackenzie the Pee Pee?? That really is a Zinger #2!! Bwahahahaha!

Mackenzie – so beautiful is brought to you by Tripawds.