First of all, it’s great to be home. Just got back from a 10 day trip to NY and Boston (we’re from LA). Was greeted at the door by Mackenzie and Kobe with such love and happiness to see me, jumping, hopping and just acting crazy like two little puppies. I missed them so much! While in NY, a friend surprised me by taking me to the Westminster Dog Show – something I’ve always wanted to see. Ok these dogs at the show were just beautiful and magnificent and it was a great experience overall. But I gained even more of an appreciation for all of our tripawd heroes out there who are just as beautiful and magnificent in my eyes. I’m so proud of our tripawd heroes….
This is how I know Mackenzie is doing so well when I was gone – my husband let Mackenzie and Kobe out and called them back in but they didn’t come. When he went outside to see where these two were, he found them at the very top of our hill in the backyard which is extremely steep ( 1/2 + acre steep I might add – I had posted some pictures previously of this hill.) Mackenzie hopped her way to the top and was up there playing with Kobe like she used to do before her diagnosis. She then hopped her way back down. I was so taken by surprise as this was her first attempt to do this all on her own on this steep hill. Huge accomplishment! Have to wonder if it’s because Mom wasn’t around to monitor???
So today I took Mackenzie in for her 5th and what I thought to be her final chemo treatment – yea?? I’m very nervous because she’s doing so well right now. Then the discussion came up today with the doctor about doing a 6th treatment (I thought all along that we would just go with 5). Our doctor basically said that if Mackenzie can handle a 6th treatment than we should do it. But I have to ask, how will we know if she can handle it?? To be further discussed and evaluated.
Overall, I’m so happy to be home with my tripawd and her little brother. She will be going on her 3 month and 3 week ampuverary this week! Wow – that’s almost 4 months!! Big celebration coming up and I know Kobe is celebrating early cause now he has his sister back in full force for sure…..will be sending some new pictures soon.
17 responses to “The Last Chemo Treatment Today – Maybe??”
Nice goin’ MacKenzie! Way to be strong.
I am super jealous … I would love to experience the Westminster Dog Show!! How fabulous!
I am so glad Mackenzie is doing so wonderful!! Harley and Mackenzie must be close in amputation dates, as he’s about 3.5 months out, and we’ll have chemo #5 next week … time sure has gone fast!! It’s wonderful to see them progress every day!
Keep up the pawesome work, Mackenzie!!!
-Gwen & Harley
Keep climbing those hills Mackenzie and Kobe! We are excited you are doing so well! Keep it up!
Glad to hear Mackenzie is doing well! It is amazing how well they adjust!
Kristin and Toto
Oh Mackenzie I am so proud of you! I thought I was doing well being a goalie in street hockey but are climbing mountains!!! I’ll bet you were so excited to get your Mom home (not that your Dad didn’t take good care of you)! I know your Mom worries about you like mine does and it because they love us so much.
What an experience for your Mom to go to the Westminster Dog Show! My Mom and Dad’s last dog attended shows (not that high up) but they way it was really exciting to watch.
I am off to see the Dr. tomorrow to see if my last blast of chemo worked I’m still feeling pretty good so all paws crossed for both of us. I hope all went well today with your chemo treatment.
Sending you a big lick from across the border and my Mom is sending your Mom a huge hug!
Luv from Tehya!
Hi Mackenzie!
We’re so glad you’re doing so well – climbing mountains!! Wow! We’re both hoping that you tolerate your 5th chemo just fine, and that you can continue to climb that mountain for a long, long time. And we’re with Kobe – start celebrating early since that means you’d get extra treats, right? 🙂
Lots of hugs!
Holly and Holly’s mom
A mountain climbing Tripawd. Right on!
Keep on climbing those mountains my friend, you’re a SUPER star.
Mackenzie, I was encouraged reading your story. I am a Golden retriever too. My name is Rosie. I was also diagnosed with Oesteosarcoma back in Aug 09. I see you tried radiation too. I had sterotactic radiation at the University of Florida, for 2 weeks my leg was okay then had a hairline fracture. I’ve been limping ever since. I also had 5 chemo treatments my last one was the first week in January.
The Doctors said I could keep my leg if I was weight bearing but now it has gotten more painful and they are recommending Amputation. My pawrents are very worried about me as I am 12 not as young as you. But the Dr’s think I can handle it. I hope they are right.
I take a lot of pain pills and I don’t like taking all those pills. Anyway your story encouraged me. Maybe I can make it too on 3 legs. But it feels like we’re dealing with this all over again. We took a chance on the radiation and it didn’t work. I guess now it’s time to get this bum leg off. I think we’re ready just scared.
Thanks for your story.
Rosie, and her mom.
Hi Rosie’s Mom,
I’m glad you wrote – I’ve seen you post on some other blogs and wanted to respond to you since it sounds like we have very similar stories. We started with the radiation too for 2 weeks but Mackenzie didn’t respond as she also had a hairline fracture. So our only option left was the amputation. I wrote you separately to share more of my story and maybe help you with your decision. Good luck with everything – we will be thinking of you!
Hey Hopalong Harley,
I wanted to wish you luck on your 5th treatment. Does sound like we’re close in dates. So far, Mackenzie’s doing ok – she’s doing better than she usually does which is always a good thing. She’s even eaten her kibble this time. There are a few of us on this site who have been recommended to do 6 treatments. Is your doctor recommending 6 too? I just talked to my doctor about it and we’re going to do some blood work , chemistry panel, urinalysis, etc. before making the decision to do the 6th treatment. I feel much better about that so I don’t put her through anything if she’s not up for it.
Glad to hear Mackenzie’s doing ok!
And climbing mountains. That’s too amazing. 🙂
Our doctor recommended 6 chemo treatments for Catie from the start. She gets her second one (a different drug from the first) tomorrow. I’m hoping she sails through this treatment like she did the first.
Our treatment is different than most from what I have seen, as Harley doesn’t have Bone Cancer; he has Histiocytic Sarcoma. We use CCNU/Lomustine for our chemo drug, and the recommended plan for us is 8 rounds … 5 rounds at three week intervals, then 3 more rounds every 4-6 weeks, if everything continues to go well.
It is terrifying putting these drugs into your fur-baby. Every time they come into the room with his pill, I feel my anxiety level shoot up and I wonder if I am doing the right thing. Thankfully, so far all of our tests we do before each chemo treatment have come back fine, and Harley seems to be doing amazing.
Best of luck with whatever your decision is. We’ll have our paws crossed Mackenzie’s test results come back fine!!
-Gwen & Harley
Hi Catie’s Mom – just curious to know if the chemo treatments are a mix of carboplatin with some other agent? Mackenzie’s doing just carboplatin. Interesting how these chemo treatments vary. Kami
Hi Gwen and Harley – I thought I read somewhere on one of the blogs that this was the treatment you were doing (maybe Tehya’s who was doing something similar I believe.) I agree that it is scary every time we do these treatments – I too question whether this is the right thing. Then once we get over the hump it seems to be ok (I think!) Good luck with your next round too! Kami
Yes, Tehya has the same cancer and she was taking the same chemo drug (CCNU/Lomustine) … only she took a pill every day, I believe. She recently added a new drug to her chemo regimen, as well.
Good luck!!!
Wow! I wished my mommy would go on vacation! I can’t imagine all the stuff daddy would let me do since he doesn’t monitor like mommy!
Good goin’ Mackenzie!
Hi Kami and Mackenzie & Kobe;
What a great story – climbing the mountain literally and virtually. It is indeed a mountain that our tripawd friends climb every day – and every day they go so much further and higher and faster than the day before. They are truly inspirational. Your goldens are beautiful.
Keep on climbing Mackenzie !
Tana (Sophie’s mom)