Here are more pictures of the Golden puppies playing with their favorite toy – the ball!
Kobe playing with the ball that Mackenzie wants. Mackenzie looking at Kobe with the yellow ball in his mouth.Mackenzie finally gets the ball from KobeAnd now she has two!Mackenzie looking on while Kobe finishes the last bite of scrambled eggKobe with her ball again.
4 responses to “A continuation from earlier today – Dec 3”
Beautiful dogs. My girls just went to the groomer last week- they are so clean and fluffy.
You said in your previous post that Mackenzie barks so you can get the ball… Maggie’s little sister Tani always stuffs her toys under the furniture, then barks at me so I can come get them for her- of course I fish it out EVERY time.
Its nice to hear Mackinzie is doing well and you are able to enjoy your pups.
Hooray for good days and begging for food!!!! That is the golden trait we know and love!! Kobe looks a lot like my brother Dillon. Very handsome and Mackenzie you are very beautiful! I bet you smell wonderful!!
I think you’ve done a great job with Mackenzie’s blog!
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Terrific photos. I always have to have all the balls in sight. I do not like when any other dogs have a tennis ball. So you keep on training that pup that you are ruler of the tennis balls! ALL the tennis balls.
4 responses to “A continuation from earlier today – Dec 3”
Beautiful dogs. My girls just went to the groomer last week- they are so clean and fluffy.
You said in your previous post that Mackenzie barks so you can get the ball… Maggie’s little sister Tani always stuffs her toys under the furniture, then barks at me so I can come get them for her- of course I fish it out EVERY time.
Its nice to hear Mackinzie is doing well and you are able to enjoy your pups.
Karen and the pug girls
Hooray for good days and begging for food!!!! That is the golden trait we know and love!! Kobe looks a lot like my brother Dillon. Very handsome and Mackenzie you are very beautiful! I bet you smell wonderful!!
I think you’ve done a great job with Mackenzie’s blog!
FYI: All your posts will appear in reverse chronological order, with the most recent first. Pages are different. Check out the help videos for detailed explanations of each.
If you want to re-order your posts so one appears “after” (below) another, simply edit its timestamp to be earlier than the other. This can be done via the Quick Edit link on your blog Dashboard -> Posts -> Edit tab. Hope this helps … feel free to ask any other questions in the Tech Support forum.
Terrific photos. I always have to have all the balls in sight. I do not like when any other dogs have a tennis ball. So you keep on training that pup that you are ruler of the tennis balls! ALL the tennis balls.