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Mackenzie in her favorite spot - the car!
Mackenzie in her favorite spot – the car!

Today is Mackenzie’s 3rd week anniversary as a tripod.  She is doing so well.  Yesterday, she chased (or rather hopped) after her ball, which ended up falling into the pool.  I thought she would jump into the water but luckily she didn’t.  She started her first treatment of chemo on Tuesday and seems to be doing fine, except that she hasn’t had  much of an appetite.  So I’ve been trying to give her all of her favorite foods (chicken, hamburger, scrambled egg, etc.)  She’s so amazing and we are so thankful that she is with us.  Being a tripod certainly adds a reality check – definitely makes you appreciate what you have and what you really don’t need.  I can tell you that I look at her every day- incision and all – and think she is still the most beautiful dog in the world. 

Mackenzie and her brother Kobe going for a ride.
Mackenzie and her brother Kobe going for a ride.


13 responses to “Mackenzie”

  1. admin Avatar

    Mackenzie is quite beautiful indeed. Glad to hear she is doing well. Once she’s all healed and ready to get back in the water, you might consider checking out the new Ruff Wear Float Coats in the Tripawds Gear blog!

  2. jakesmom Avatar

    Oh Mackenzie is absolutely beautiful!!! What a sweet face! She looks a little like my Jake did… you can see his pictures on his blog at Jake’s Journey… Her brother Kobe is a cutie-pie too!!!

    Happy 3-week ampuversary! I hope that Mackenzie continues to do well for a long, long time!!!

    Angel Jake’s Mom

  3. Opie Avatar

    Mackenzie sure is beautiful, but then she IS a golden!

  4. Darlene Avatar

    Hello my beautiful Golden was diagnosed today with cancer and they are recommending amputating her leg. Could you please tell me how old Mackenzie is? Mine is 10 and we are worried that she wouldn’t be able to adapt..but by the looks of Mackenzie maybe we are wrong!

  5. Peyton's Path Avatar

    Mackenzie is a beautiful golden. I am a little partial to other goldens since both my brother Dillon and I are goldens!

    There has been a couple times my Mom was a little nervous that I was going to take a swim, but I haven’t yet! It is too cold here in Colorado!

    Glad your first chemo treatment went well! Now you just need to start eating so you don’t stress out your family! I haven’t had a problem with my appetite, mine is really the opposite! Every time my Mom moves I run to the treat cabinet!

  6. Mackenzie's Mom Avatar
    Mackenzie's Mom

    Hi Peyton,
    You look so much like Mackenzie’s little brother Kobe – you could be twins! I will send you pictures soon. We are so happy that you are doing well. We read your blog frequently so have been keeping up with your progress and recovery. How are you doing with your treatments – please let us know.

  7. Mackenzie's Mom Avatar
    Mackenzie's Mom

    Hi Jake’s Mom,
    We have been following your blog for a few weeks now and was so sorry to hear about Jake. When we read the news about your loss, it really made us cry. Your story is such an inspiration. I was drawn to your blog because Jake looked so much like my Mackenzie and seemed to love the same things too(like the pool :)) Angel Jake is with you still and will always be. We wish you and your family all the best. Mackenzie’s Mom

  8. Mackenzie's Mom Avatar
    Mackenzie's Mom

    Hi Opie,
    You are beautiful too! But of course, all Goldens are. I hope you are doing well and that your stitches come out soon. Mackenzie’s Mom.

  9. jack crowder Avatar
    jack crowder

    Hoppy 3 week ampuversary!!!

    You are a beautiful girl and we know you’ll continue to do just great!

    My dad bought me one of those “float coat things” we haven’t got to use it yet, but it does look amazing on us “Golden Girls”

    Talk to you soon, Shelby, the P.P.

  10. shiloanne Avatar

    What a beautiful baby you have there. You are right you will enjoy ever moment just a little more then you ever did before. 🙂 I bet Mackenzie will jump in like nothing when those stitches come out, hope you share the photo’s…

    Happy 3 week –

    Alisa & Angel ShiloAnne

  11. Mackenzie's Mom Avatar
    Mackenzie's Mom

    Hi Angel Shiloanne – thank you so much for your good wishes. Will definitely send pictures when Mackenzie’s in the water. She’s already hopping up stairs and running (hopping) across the yard. She’s like a speed of lightning…..

  12. Mackenzie's Mom Avatar
    Mackenzie's Mom

    Hi Shelby PP
    You are a beautiful Princess like my Mackenzie. Will definitely take you up your suggestion on the float coat. Mackenzie can’t wait! All the best to you!

  13. Chloe's mom Avatar
    Chloe's mom

    Well I decided I am going to spend some time catching up on your blog because you have been so diligent about reading mine.
    I agree with what you said “definitely makes you appreciate what you have and what you really don’t need.” I am finding that true as I progress with Chloe’s recovery. She loves life and enjoys it to the fullest even though she doesn’t have her 4th leg.
    -Chloe’s mom

Mackenzie – so beautiful is brought to you by Tripawds.