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Great News to Report!

I have some great news to report – Mackenzie had her 3 month chest X-rays today and they are clean – no detected cancer yet! Yea!!  So we did her 4th chemo treatment today and she seems to be doing great.  Still has a great appetite, still likes to beg for those treats and is rough housing as we speak with her little brother.  We’ve nicknamed her Treat Monster ever since she was a puppy.  Today was weighing heavily on me and I tried to be very positive but at moments, before hearing the results, I was a nervous wreck.  Then it was so strange – this calmness came over me and I thought “she’s going to be ok.”  Within 5 seconds of having that thought, the doctor came in with the good news.  So now we are going on her 12th week ampuversary and life is good!


11 responses to “Great News to Report!”

  1. maggie Avatar

    Congratulations Mackenzie!!! Get LOTS of treats for that report girl! 🙂

    Tracy, Maggie’s Mom

  2. krun15 Avatar

    That is awesome!! Congrats on the great report- and yes life is GOOD!

    Karen and the pug girls

  3. Peyton's Path Avatar

    Hooray for 12 weeks!! I think sometimes it is hard not to worry when we are reading other blogs. We are filled with good stories and bad and it is hard to always stay positive!

    Mackenzie is doing great, remember enjoy her and Kobe!!! Peyton always thought the more treats the better, so he would tell you to spoil them with tons of treats especially peanut butter ones 🙂 ! Take care and keep us posted!!!

  4. anyemery Avatar

    Yay! Happy 12 weeks! Holly agrees with the others – lots of treats are in order!

    Holly and Holly’s mom

  5. jack crowder Avatar
    jack crowder

    Shelby just told me, to tell you, that she knows treats are available in 10, 15 and 25 pound boxes.
    She thought you should know.

    Congrats on 12 weeks and celebrate the good life!

    signed, the chauffeur.

  6. admin Avatar

    Great news indeed. Congratulations on the good news and thanks for the update!

  7. Opie Avatar

    Yay Mackenzie! You are beautiful and good. Tell your pawrents that a giant bag of salmon yummy chummies are the traditional 12 week gift. If you can’t find those, substitutions can be made…with anything edible. Opie

  8. Carmen Avatar

    Oh. Mackenzie is stunning. I’m happy everything is going so well for her. It’s been three weeks since Catie’s amputation and Mackenzie’s progress gives me enormous hope.

  9. luvmaggie Avatar

    What great news! We are so happy to hear Mackenzie is doing so well.
    She is a really beautiful dog with a fantastic smile.
    I know our Maggie will love to get those special treats too when she gets to her 12th week anniversary too.
    Kathy, Maggie’s other mom 🙂

  10. cynp Avatar

    So glad to hear the good news !

  11. jakesmom Avatar

    That is great news!! Happy 12 week ampuversary Mackenzie!!! 🙂

    Angel Jake’s Mom

Mackenzie – so beautiful is brought to you by Tripawds.