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Mackenzie- Jan 10

We are not going to count the days anymore since Mackenzie’s surgery (taking the advice from Opie) 🙂  Mackenzie had her 3rd chemo treatment last Tues. The doctor decided to increase her dose by just a little bit. The first 3 – 4 days were not so great because she didn’t really feel like eating that much except for her little bisquit treats (which she would gobble up in seconds) and her energy level was lower than normal.  But by Saturday she got her 2nd wind and boy was she as energetic as I’ve ever seen her and continues to be.  She’s now back to playing really rough with her brother Kobe.  Sunday was a great day – we took her up to the top of our hill in the backyard (pretty steep and long) and she did great! We sat at the top and looked at the view of the canyon and valley. This was always a favorite place for her to go.  Her Dad had to help her a little bit (in her fashionable ruff wear) and she was Queen of the hill.  I’m happy to report that she’s eating normally now and can’t wait for her next meal,  barks at me to give her more treats and begs like there’s no tomorrow.  All good things in the life of a tripawd!  

Queen of the Hill
Queen of the Hill
A big smile!
A big smile!


5 responses to “Mackenzie- Jan 10”

  1. jakesmom Avatar

    What a beautiful golden… Looks like she is having a great time!! Glad to hear that her appetite is back!

    Angel Jake’s Mom

  2. Peyton's Path Avatar

    Mackenzie all of your pictures are beautiful! Don’t let that chemo stuff get you down! Keep pretending you don’t feel good and get the good treats 🙂 ! Let your Mom and Dad spoil you and Kobe! Keep up the good work! You truly are a Queen in our books!!!

    Lots of golden licks,


    P.S. Kobe I am still amazed at how much we look like each other. We could be brothers!! Take care of Mackenzie!!!

  3. maggie Avatar

    Good for you Mackenzie!!! Eating sure is a good thing!!!! Yup – something us Tripawd pawrents look forward to…a GREAT appetite! 😉

    Tracy, Maggie’s Mom

  4. admin Avatar

    Looks like Mackenzie is loving the good life indeed. What a sweetie!

  5. ldillon81 Avatar

    What a smiler!!! I bet she gets so much attention wherever she goes (it’s funny to me that I just wrote that thinking that she would get attention because of her smile…I guess I think 3 legged dogginess is normal now, ha). I love seeing our little guys and girls in their matching ruffwear harnesses! Now Mackenzie, go ask your mum for another treat 🙂

    <3 Laura

Mackenzie – so beautiful is brought to you by Tripawds.