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Barney! The Golden California Adventure!

As some of you may know, we recently had the pleasure of Barney visiting us here in LA. It was quite the honor when we were contacted by Angel Jake’s Mom to be the next host of Barney because Angel Jake was one of the very first friends we met on this website.  Here’s to you Angel Jake and Angel Jake’s Mom!

So it has been an interesting time with Barney….my 2 little golden starlets were not very  cooperative or very friendly to Barney when he first arrived.  Kobe, giving him the once over literally turned his nose at him and walked away. Mackenzie, on the other hand, was much more of a sport about it,  but I could tell that she was playing a little hard to get until….he was thrown in the pool! Joyously swimming after him, she fell in love with her new found boytoy :).

As a sneak preview to Barney’s arrival, here’s  one of two  Barney videos titled “California Here I Come!”   Barney was soooo excited to be coming to California but I don’t think he quite knew what he got himself into when he arrived.  Thus, the 2nd video gives you the true picture of  Barney’s real Golden California Adventure…..we all thought it was a golden time for sure….but I’m not so sure Barney felt that way.  But you be the judge.  Enjoy! (Oh and you might want to get out that big bowl of popcorn and 48oz of soda and kick back in that comfy chair!)

California Here I Come!

Barney’s Golden California Adventure!


14 responses to “Barney! The Golden California Adventure!”

  1. Fortisdad Avatar

    That was hilarious! I laughed the whole time. Mackenzie and Kobe are absolutely beautiful. Thanks for the laugh.

    Get in the pool Barney. Kobe can’t swim!

  2. Carmen (Catie's Mom) Avatar
    Carmen (Catie’s Mom)


    THAT was priceless and that is one indestructible little purple dinosaur.

    I don’t know what else to say except thank you, thank you for brightening my day.


  3. rubydawg Avatar

    Absolutely hilarious! Another wonderful host. And your pool is beautiful.

    Ruby’s Mom

  4. admin Avatar

    Best. KillBarney Post. Ever.

    Come On… Come On… 🙂

    That’s the way we like to see Barney treated. Thanks! This one will be hard to top.

  5. killbarney Avatar

    Yah, those dawgs showed me a pretty good time! And I’m thinking I might just have a future in the movies now. I’d even consider auditioning at SmartyPants productions, if it weren’t for those threats by that Cometdog character. 😉

  6. jack crowder Avatar
    jack crowder

    Hi, I’m Charlie, Shelby, the P.P.’s brother.

    the chauffeur and I are watching the video and just after it starts it shows you guys turning the swimming pool upside down!

    The dogs, Barney, the water, nothing fell out!!

    How’d you do that?

    Signed, Charlie, the worlds most handsome Cocker Spaniel.

  7. cometdog Avatar

    That’s EN-TER-TAIN-MENT! I clapped all the way through it! Action Flick DE-Luxe!

    You are so very lucky you, smelly, purple creepy Pillsbury dough boy! Goldens have soft mouths or otherwise you’d be a gonner! I gots me some serious crooked teeth that could gnaw your insides out without even trying!

    Kobe and Miss Mack are on my side! (I think Maverick is too or was he a stunt double?)

    You better hurry up and get out of California if you are still alive – I’m just 4 hours away! RUN!

    Thank you Kobe and Miss Mack! I can rest easier now. He may not be dead but he might be wounded!


  8. jakesmom Avatar

    Looks like Barney had a fun time (in spite of the tug-o-war) with Mackenzie and Kobe… Loved the video! Can wait to hear of Barney’s next adventure! 🙂

    Angel Jake and Wolfie’s Mom

  9. etgayle Avatar

    what a great pair of videos!! thanks for making our day!!

    gayle & charon

  10. wyattraydawg Avatar

    Oh my DOG this was the funniest Barney episode yet! What a crazy bunch you are!

  11. Ginger Avatar

    Way to go Mackenzie and Kobe!! I think you both are on the same page with Comet Dog and me. Barney must pay for the things he’s done. I wonder if Barney left California by way of the ER?? Your videos are awesome. I’m so glad we have proof of the pain Barney was in 😉

  12. anyemery Avatar

    Pawsome video of you and the purple dinosaur, Kobe and Mackenzie! You really showed him a fun time! I wonder when he’ll be asking to come back and visit you again??? bwahahaha

  13. credocanis Avatar

    Holy Hannah, what a total crack up!!

    Barney is holding up well, I must say.

    Looks like it’s also the summer of Barney, Mackenzie, and Kobe too!! Fantastic!

    Keep swimming.

    Lincoln’s Mom

  14. Chloe's mom Avatar
    Chloe's mom

    Loved the music and loved the dancing barney shots! I think Mackenzie and Kobe had more fun with Barney than maybe he had with them… but Barney loves everyone so who knows?!?!
    -Chloe’s mom

Mackenzie – so beautiful is brought to you by Tripawds.