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New Video + Mackenzie’s 8 Month Ampuversary & Kobe’s 2 Year Birthday!!!!

This weekend marks Mackenzie’s 8 Month Ampuversary and her little brother’s 2 year birthday!! Plus it’s 4th of July!  We have been celebrating all weekend having so much fun! Even though we had a bit of a setback last week finding out that Mackenzie has early spots (4 nodules) on her lungs and a lump on her side that tested positive for cancer from the osteosarcoma…it hasn’t stopped her or us from enjoying every moment.  Since hearing the news, we’ve probably been in the pool almost every day – one of Mackenzie’s favorite things to do and she has shown so much energy lately (more than normal) – it’s unfathomable to me that she even has any problems.  I so appreciated everyone’s wonderful comments and support when I posted this last week – I can’t even begin to tell you how much it meant to me. 

In addition to the metronomic therapy (cytoxin) her oncologist is also putting her on palladia (alternating every other day with the cytoxin) and we hope that this will slow down the cancer and shrink her tumor.  The studies they’ve done so far has shown a good response to palladia.  I will go into more details about this another time but we are keeping our fingers crossed that this gives her more time and quality of life that we want her to have.  If I let myself think about it, I get very sad so I’ve made a pact to myself – not to let this get me down (just yet!) and only to think positive and move forward with whatever we need to do to make sure Mackenzie is not suffering in any way. 

Here’s a video I made called the “ABC’s of Swimming”.  As some of you know, Mackenzie is an Olympic champion Triapawd swimmer (in my eyes – I’m just so proud of her!);  whereas,  her little brother Kobe ( a quadpawd) 🙂 is extremely fearful of the water….but we did get him in the water recently so I made this to showcase both sides of their swimming abilities :).  My poor husband who helped Kobe is practically drowning himself from all the splashing and clawing that Kobe’s doing while in the water – it’s quite funny I must say (although he wouldn’t agree!)  And yes, Kobe likes to sit on his sister’s head….

We hope everyone has a great 4th of July weekend!  


18 responses to “New Video + Mackenzie’s 8 Month Ampuversary & Kobe’s 2 Year Birthday!!!!”

  1. jack crowder Avatar
    jack crowder

    Hoppy 4th of July!!!

    We haven’t laughed this hard in a long time, thank you so much for posting your video. The music matches what the dogs are doing, very cool!!

    Shelby says, let’s all make a pact to live one day at a time and live it to it’s fullest, just like Mackenzie’s doing.

    the chauffeur and the maid.

  2. cometdog Avatar

    THE Comet Dog is having a tough time posting. TEST.

  3. cometdog Avatar

    Miss Esther William, er I mean Miss Mack!

    I loved it! I was hippity hoppy to the beat and celebrating at the same time!

    My favorite things are good music and watching little brother dog torture videos! I got the best of both in one setting!
    Plus, my mind drifted and I daydreamed it was Monkeybutt instead of Kobe!

    I know, I know…Kobe is a nice brother but I can’t help myself!

    Back to you, instead of me…YOU ARE PAWSOME! You don’t look sick to me! And I should know since I am part doctor! I diagnosed a rotten tooth in old Snooker when she was here and I was a puppy. But mommy and daddy wouldn’t listen to me when I told them. So, they got a second opinion from the vet and I was right!

    So, as Dr. Comet Dog – I say you aren’t sick! As long as you feel good on the outside (and look glamorous at the same time – which you do), you aren’t sick!

    So, keep groovin’ girl! (and makes more little brother torture videos for me!)

    Dr. Comet Dog

  4. Hopalong Harley Avatar
    Hopalong Harley

    Oh, that made me laugh. I so needed a laugh. Thank you.

    Mackenzie, you are simply wonderful and truly pawesome! Hoppy Ampuversary, Ampuversary Buddy!

  5. jakesmom Avatar

    Happy ampuversary Mackenzie and Happy Birthday Kobe!!!

    That video was so funny! 🙂 For some reason, I thought that all dogs could swim… Boy was I ever wrong!! ha! ha! 🙂

    Angel Jake and Wolfie’s Mom

  6. etgayle Avatar

    mackenzie, you are as graceful as a dolphin in the water!!! very impressive. kobe does get an ‘a’ for effort, but you’ve set the bar very high. congrats on your ampawversary and happy birthday to that land lover kobe!

    gayle & charon

  7. maggie Avatar

    Oh that video sure made me smile and laugh!!! For both Mackenzie and Kobe! Mackenzie you ROCK girl! Pawlympic swimmer you are!!! Kobe, dude, didn’t you know that you ARE a Golden Retriever and you ARE supposed to swim?! LOL!!! 🙂

    Keep those positive thoughts going for Mackenzie!!! Hoppy, VERY Happy 8 Month Ampuversary!!!

    Tracy & Maggie

  8. Mackenzie's Mom Avatar

    Dr. Comet – – I’ll be happy to make little brother torture videos for you any time with that prognosis!

    Thanks for all of your comments! I’m glad that everyone got a laugh out of this…I sure did! I’m still shaking my head!

  9. Ginger Avatar

    Mackenzie and Kobe –

    You sure do know how to have fun and get a good laugh out of us. All three of us (Mom, Dad and me) were rolling around on the floor with our paws in the air laughing.

    I hope Kobe didn’t splash too much water out of the pool so you could continue your pawsome dives.

    Golden love,

  10. anyemery Avatar

    What an awesome video! Mackenzie sure has fun in the water… but what’s up with Kobe?? 🙂 I know… he has fun sitting on Mackenzie’s head! So glad to hear that Mackenzie is doing pawsome, even with the news last week. We’re continuing to send lots of pawsitive, healing thoughts to her across the miles. We’re pulling for you, Mackenzie!!!
    Huge hugs from your non-swimmer friend Holly, and her swimmer sister Zuzu 🙂

  11. mhinchey Avatar

    an paw inspiring movie!! Thanks a bunch!

  12. mhinchey Avatar

    Mackenzie! You are an pawsome dog still in your puppy yrs. (Wink Wink) . We are sending you some hugs and kisses for being so paw inspiring. We know youll pull through whatever thrown your way! XOXOOXOXO

  13. djbockman Avatar

    Kami, first of all thanks for adding me as a friend. I have never done the blogging thing so I’m not sure how it works or what to do, but I am going to give it a shot. Love the video, one thing gus was never fond of was water, which surprised me having lab in him. I was curious to what your reaction was to the big Lebron story. I follow but I’m not die hard, to many of these things happen in Cleveland to get that involved, but I sense you are pretty commited to the Lakers. Just wondered what your thoughts were, to say the news was not recieved well or the way he did it would be an understatement. I am going to try and set up a blog and figure out how to get video and pictures of Gus on here, wish you were my neighbor, I learn way better by watching.

  14. Mackenzie's Mom Avatar

    Hi Dan – welcome to the world of blogging! It’s real easy but we’ll help you out. Just think of us as your virtual neighbors so we’re really not that far away afterall!

    LeBron – unbelievable! We were watching the announcement with abated breath – so many different scenarios. In the end, I really thought he’d choose NY cause that would give him so much more exposure. And Cleveland’s scathing letter from the owner – wow! In any event this was a spectacle of all kinds but have to admit that we got caught up in it too. 🙂

    Good luck with your blog! Looking forward to seeing more pics and videos of Gus.

  15. Tana Avatar

    Hi Kami:
    I’m just catching up on the blogs – I laughed so hard watching poor Kobe try to swim my son came running to see if I was ok !! 🙂 Hilarious !!
    Mackenzie looks fabulous – and what a graceful swimmer she is ! You have every right to be proud.
    Hahahahhahha….. still giggling about poor Kobe ! Our older dog, Keaton (went to the Bridge Feb 9, 2010) was a lazy swimmer. He would start out flat in the water like Mackenzie – but would forget to paddle his back legs – and would, before long, end up vertical in the water sort of like Kobe !! He never got worked up about it – never showed any panic – he just paddled along vertically in the water ! Maybe Kobe should get a float coat !
    Thanks for the laugh – I really needed that !

  16. Carmen (Catie's Mom) Avatar
    Carmen (Catie’s Mom)

    OMG. How did I miss this?? Kobe – oh my! I’m still laughing! What absolute opposites – there’s Mackenzie’s grace and Kobe’s not-so-graceful but ever-so-earnest thrashing. Was there ANY water in the pool once he was done??


  17. Chloe's mom Avatar
    Chloe's mom

    And to echo your own sentiments, having been doing yoga for a few years now I would like to pass on some words of wisdom from my various teachers. You are always in the present moment, never in the past nor in the future. Enjoy the here and the now, the good and the bad because you are only ever exist in the now. I try to remember those words every day when I start letting my mind wander to undesirable places…

  18. Chloe's mom Avatar
    Chloe's mom

    Seriously watching Kobe “swim” made me laugh so hard! Good thing my roommates aren’t home, they might have thought I had gone crazy! The only time Chloe has gone swimming is when my family went on one of the boyscout family camp trips and my brother took her on an inflatable boat (without my knowledge!!) and pushed her over the side into the lake!! At least it was fairly shallow since they were close to shore… She has never been around a pool, so I have no idea if she would ever be a swimmer like her mom.

    -Chloe’s mom

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