Just a quick update -Mackenzie continues to do well (thank our lucky paws!) She will be doing her 4th chemo treatment this coming Tues and will also be due for her 3 month chest x-ray. I’m feeling very anxious about Tues. I realize that no matter how good things can be, there’s always those random thoughts that flash in the back of my mind about what if …..For every chemo treatment Mackenzie’s had, I go through this anxiety until she gets back to normal. This last go around, she is completely back to normal. But then on Tues, we’ll go through this roller coaster ride again and for the next few days she won’t be feeling so great again. It’s very stressful and I try to do whatever I can to make her feel as comfortable as possible. The great news is that today, she climbed a very steep hill on the side of our yard by herself without us being there. I freaked of course and called my husband to get her down. Then when he did call her, she continued to climb the hill! She had so much energy – it was just wonderful to see. Yesterday, we went for our usual walk up my street which also has a hill and she hopped so fast and so far – within 5 minutes we were at the top – the normal pace has been 15 minutes. She’s barking at me now more than ever – tells me to stop feeling sad about her cause she’s doing so well. She’s a constant reminder of how life should be – living every moment to its fullest. So she’s definitely making great progress and we are so thankful. But there’s always that worry in the back of my mind…..Here’s one of my favorite pictures of her when she was younger – that big beautiful smiling face! Which will forever be imbedded in my mind.
4 responses to “An Update”
What a great photo!
Sounds like she’s doing really well and your doing everything you can to help her. Heck, I can’t climb a steep hill in 5 minutes!
You’ll be in our thoughts and prayers next Tuesday. Take care.
Shelby, thr P.P.
So awesome about the big hill climb! Way to go Mackenzie!
I know it is our nature to worry, but don’t stress yourself out! Mackenzie is doing great! For the couple yucky days she has after chemo think about how many wonderful days she has after that!!!
Pawesome to be climbing large hills! Keep up the good work Mackenzie and keep smiling for your Mom!!!
Hi Kami, right there with you on the worry! But it sounds like Mackenzie is doing great my gosh she has lots and lots of energy by the sounds of it. It makes my heart smile to read of all she is doing and now I see why you have Mackenzie So Beautiful on your blog she really is a beauty.
I too am stressing far too much about what each test will bring when it comes to Tehya we have to learn to enjoy each day that have with them and hope that they are many to come. Easier said than done I know. Everything crossed for you on Tuesday.
Keep up the good work Mackenzie you are an inspiration to Tehya and I.