I still smile when I received the previous messages wishing us a “hoppy ampuversary”. It’s just so cute – this tripawd lingo. Well, this is our 4 1/2 week “ampuversary” and I’m very happy to report that Mackenzie is doing extremely well – she’s become the puppy dog that we had a year ago. I took her on her first walk a few days ago – she loves going for walks – up the street a little ways with her brother Kobe. She wanted to keep going but I didn’t want to push her too much. When we got home, she was ready to go again. Before she got her diagnosis, it was standard practice for her to put her little brother in his place when he misbehaved. Getting on him for not listening to me with her bark and dominating presence. Of course, Kobe didn’t pay much attention but it gave Mackenzie a sense of power over him. Before her amputation, Mackenzie didn’t have the energy to do this anymore. But recently, she has really been giving him the business when he’s not listening to me (like when I call him and he finally comes, she’ll get right on him for not coming sooner.) So I know she’s feeling really good these days. They’ve also started wrestling again – she’s trying to swat him with her phantom leg and he’s trying to grab her wherever he can. I’m just loving it all! Mackenzie goes in for her 2nd chemo treatment next week – I worry that it will slow her down again. But hopefully like this last time, she’ll pull through and have even more energy than before. I guess we’ll cross that bridge when we get there. For now, we’re soaking in this new found energy and enjoying every minute!
Mackenzie on her 1st walk in her new red coat and pink leash.